Relationships define us.

What is strained in relationship, can be healed within the therapeutic relationship
See Specialities
Beginning the journey of therapy is a difficult step and one you may have considered many times. Understand that when you are ready the work we do together will get you to the place you desire to be. Undertaking the journey is a positive decision that many others before you have made. Therapy is not ideal for everyone and we can discover if it is right for you in an initial assessment session that lasts 60-90 minutes. A complete therapeutic journey is usually 10 weekly sessions that last 50 minutes.

Therapy Approaches



The present moment is where we feel and experience life. Our past is a memory that is stored in our consciousness, our future is a projection and an illusion as it has not happened yet. Depression often lives in the past, and anxiety lives in the future. Learning to live in the present can reduce both depression and anxiety. Mindfulness is a form of mediation that  has proven to keep us grounded in the moment. The more we can live in the present the more free we can feel.


Psychotherapy is a deeper level of therapeutic support. Working with someone in a relationship can often open up how clients react and respond in their other relationships. Thus allowing clients awareness of themselves to grow and develop. We are all on a journey of self discovery, however this journey can remap neurons and transmitters in the brain and rid clients of old patterns of behaviour and expectation.
What is broken in a relationship, either as a child or adult can often be fixed by the experience of a positive other (the therapist) in a new and different relationship.


Psychotherapy is a deeper level of therapeutic support. Working with someone in a relationship can often open up how clients react and respond in their other relationships. Thus allowing clients awareness of themselves to grow and develop. We are all on a journey of self discovery, however this journey can remap neurons and transmitters in the brain and rid clients of old patterns of behaviour and expectation.
What is broken in a relationship, either as a child or adult can often be fixed by the experience of a positive other (the therapist) in a new and different relationship.


Psychotherapy is a deeper level of therapeutic support. Working with someone in a relationship can often open up how clients react and respond in their other relationships. Thus allowing clients awareness of themselves to grow and develop. We are all on a journey of self discovery, however this journey can remap neurons and transmitters in the brain and rid clients of old patterns of behaviour and expectation.
What is broken in a relationship, either as a child or adult can often be fixed by the experience of a positive other (the therapist) in a new and different relationship.

Let's Talk

The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.
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